Create a Morning Routine with your Essential Oils

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A morning routine is a great way to start the day on a positive note. And adding essential oils to your morning routine is perfect for intentionally setting the tone for the rest of the day.

While typical morning routines usually include things like waking up at the same time every day, journaling, stretching, etc. we’re talking specifically of ways you can add essential oils -or habit stack- with the morning routine you already have in place.

Adding Essential Oils to your Morning Routine

Like we already mentioned, there are several things we typically see in a morning ‘routine’ even if you don’t necessarily have a set list of things you do every morning, you probably do most or at least a couple of these things. I’m going to take some of the most popular ones and point out where you can work in your essential oils to start stacking those habits.

1. Get hydrated

First thing in the morning it’s good to drink a glass of water to rehydrate your body. This is one of the easiest places you can add in your essential oils!

A drop of Lemon or Grapefruit in your water is great for helping detox the body. A drop of Peppermint will really wake you up and get you moving. A drop of MetaPWR can help support healthy blood sugar levels. Any of your doTERRA essential oils that have a supplement facts label can be added to your water -though some will definitely tasted better than others! 😳

Just remember to only use glass or stainless steel, you don’t want to be adding your oils to plastic.

2. meditate

Get quiet, calm your mind, and center yourself before you jump into your day with meditation or mindfulness exercises.

But first, a drop or two of Lavender or Frankincense on your wrists can help you relax and let go of the stress while corralling those wayward thoughts.

3. stretch or exercise

Doing some light stretching or exercise can help wake up your body and mind, and get your blood flowing.

Before you get started, rub some Deep Blue, AromaTouch, Marjoram or Lemongrass on those muscles. These oils are great for relieving that tension and making your joints and muscles more comfortable!

4. skincare

Whether you like a nice long, hot shower in the morning, or just have time for a quick face wash, you can definitely add in some essential oils here!

Try using the Reveal Facial System two times throughout the week to remove any dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and create a smooth surface for make-up application.

Frankincense or Tea Tree are great for rejuvenating the skin, or try Lavender or Geranium for hydrating. You can apply them with fractionated coconut oil or add a drop to your moisturizer.

We also have several different essential oil infused skincare lines that are tailored to skin types and clearing up the skin.

5. Plan your day

Take a few minutes to plan out your day and prioritize your tasks. This can help you stay focused and productive throughout the day.

Swiping InTune or Thinker across the back of your neck or forehead is gonna give you an extra boost in the focus and clarity department. Reapply throughout the day as needed or get one of these focus diffuser blends going for all day clarity and support!

6. eat a healthy breakfast

A healthy breakfast with high quality foods is key to fuel your body for the day ahead. Foods rich in protein and complex carbohydrates are best, but even then, most of our food these days is lacking in vital nutrients that we can only get through added supplementation.

The LifeLong Vitality supplements provide essential nutrients to help your cells perform optimally and the MetaPWR Advantage (Collagen +NMN) supports your muscles, skin elasticity, mental and physical energy, and your circulatory and nervous systems. Take these with your breakfast to give you the energy you need to start your day.

7. apply essential oils

When you are getting dressed and ready for the day it’s a great time to apply some essential oils topically.

This could be Wild Orange and Ylang Ylang over the heart (great for supporting a regular heartbeat and boosting your mood), Balance, Adaptiv, or Magnolia on your wrists/pulse points (calming and stress relieving) On Guard on the bottoms of your feet (immune support), DigestZen or Tamer across the stomach (digestive support), or Breathe across your chest (respiratory support).

8. diffuse essential oils

Okay, I know this one isn’t exactly adding to something you are already doing in the morning, but it’s one I promise you’ll want to add in. Especially if you are a candle or air freshener lover!

Start a diffuser with your favorite essential oils. This can be done before all the other ones on this list, or when you’re finishing up and heading into the rest of your day. You can even get diffusers to take with you in your car if you’ve got a long drive ahead of you! (the one I have is out of stock, but this one is similar)

One of my favorite blends to diffuse is 1 drop Douglas Fir, 2 drops Bergamot, 3 drops Wild Orange (double the drops for a large room) but you can choose any combination of oils you like or check out some of these diffuser blends for inspiration.

that’s how easy it is to fit essential oils into your current morning routine!

Of course your morning routine will differ based on your lifestyle and if there are specific health challenges or goals you are currently working on, but these are the most common ones I’ve come across.

And this just cover the basics. You can get super specific and create a detailed, two hour long essential oil morning routine or use one oil and say ‘that’s enough for now, I’m good to go!’

Your morning routine, and essential oil use, should be tailored to your needs and preferences. Experiment with different essential oils, see which ones you like best, which ones work best for you.

Just don’t overcomplicate it and not use any oils because you don’t have time to do EVERYTHING. Your essential oils can’t support you if you don’t open the bottles and use them!

I’d love to hear . . .

what’s your go-to morning routine with essential oils? Did I mention any of the ones you use?

If you’re new to the world of essential oils and would like to get started, check out our starter kits, or get in touch and I can set you up a bundle personalized to your needs.

xo- Regina

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