I’ve Got Essential Oils, Now What?

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You bought your starter kit, it was delivered to your front door, and that box has been sitting on your counter staring at you ever since, and you’re wondering… what on earth am I supposed to do now?

No need to complicate things and get all overwhelmed!

The key with using essential oils is making them part of your daily habits, which will lead to an easy transition from what we currently know and use, to one free of synthetics and harmful chemicals.

But, where do you even staaaart?!? 

Don’t worry, it’s easy 😉 In fact, I have 22 quick and easy ways you can use your oils below.

First things first: open up each of the bottles!

Smell them. Find the one you like best. 

If you got a diffuser with your oils, fill it with water and add 3-4 drops of your favorite oil. 

No diffuser? No big deal. There are plenty of other ways you can start using your oils. (but you’re gonna want to get you a diffuser ASAP! trust me, you will NOT regret it!) 

Take the oil and drop one or two drops on your wrists, rub them together and take a big, deep inhale.

Congratulations! You just used your oils for the first time. 🙌🏻

Now, I know this might sound a little too easy, or even a little crazy, but that is literally how easy it is to use your essential oils.

No, smelling them one time will not be the only thing you do to get results with your oils, but it’s the easiest way to start. 😉

So, you’ve opened the box, opened each oil and smelled it, and picked your favorite – don’t forget to put the labels on the lids to help you see what’s what at a glance (and just because it’s fun).

You can find lots of ways to use the Top 10 essential oils here, but for now, I’m going to give you a quick and easy guideline for how you can use your oils throughout this next week.

If you don’t have the oil mentioned, no worries, just switch it out with an essential oil you do have, or skip it altogether for now.

Remember, incorporating essential oils into your life should be fun and easy. Not stressful. Don’t beat yourself up if you forget to use them or make a mistake. Give it a couple weeks and you’ll forget what life was like before you had essential oils! Using your oils will become second nature.

Your First Week Using Essential Oils

Day  1

Open your oils. smell them. label them. put them somewhere you’ll remember to use them.

1.  Try an oil in your diffuser – if you don’t have a diffuser, you can always put a couple drops of essential oil on a cloth, tissue, or cotton ball and put it over an air vent or behind your fan. This hack works great, especially when you’re traveling! Some of my favorite oils to diffuse are: Wild Orange, Tangerine, Breathe, On Guard, Balance, Serenity, Peppermint, or Bergamot… or you can check out these diffuser blend recipes.

2. Rub a drop of Peppermint on the back of your neck to cool off.  

3. Before heading to bed for the night, give yourself a shoulder and neck massage with one drop of Deep Blue essential oil and one drop of Lavender essential oil. Apply the rest to the soles of your feet for an incredible night’s sleep!

Day  2

1. First thing in the morning, add a drop of essential oil to your water (make sure it’s in a glass or stainless container) – favorite oils for this include: Lemon, Lime, Wild Orange, Grapefruit, Peppermint, or Spearmint. If your bottle has a supplement facts section on the label, you can try it in your water.  

2. Add a drop of Tea Tree (also called Melaleuca) to your facial cleanser for added cleansing properties.  

3. Run a warm bath and add two drops of Lavender essential oil and two drops of Frankincense essential oil to a cup of scent free epsom salts. Add some soothing music while you enjoy your bath to make it even more relaxing. If you prefer a shower, add one drop of Breathe (also called Easy Air) to the floor of the shower and inhale deeply, letting your day go and opening up your airways before bed.

Day  3

1. Add one drop of Frankincense to your serum or moisturizer and give yourself a facial massage – paying special attention to your temples and under your eyes (we hold the most tension here).  

2. Apply Deep Blue on your feet and knees before and after exercise to help relieve soreness.  

3. Apply a couple drops of On Guard essential oil to the bottoms of your feet before bed to give your immune system a boost. You can also use Oregano, Tea Tree (Melaleuca), Black Pepper, or DDR Prime.

Day  4

1. Toss your fruits and veggies into a sink full of water and add a couple drops of Lemon essential oil to cleanse and pull the waxy substances off the surface. 

2. Use warm water, a wash cloth, and a couple drops of Lemon and On Guard essential oils to wipe down the counters, stove and table to clean and disinfect the area.  

3. Apply a drop of Frankincense to your thumb and hold to the roof of your mouth for 30 seconds to reduce head tension.

Day  5

1. Try one drop of Frankincense essential oil under your tongue to support cellular vitality.  

2. Add a drop of Lemon essential oil to stubborn product labels to completely remove the adhesive.  

3. Diffuse On Guard through the night to support the immune system.

Day  6

1. Replace your dryer sheets with 2-3 drops of Lavender essential oil on a dryer ball. Don’t have a dryer ball? Substitute with a clean sock or wash cloth. 

2. Apply Peppermint or DigestZen to the stomach to support a healthy digestive system.  

3. Rub a drop or two of Breathe on the chest with fractionated coconut oil to clear and open airways. You can also use Breathe essential oil when outdoors to minimize the effects of *seasonal threats* from pollen, grass, hay, etc.

Day  7

1. Apply Deep Blue essential oil or Deep Blue Rub to any sore, achy muscles. Other oils that work really well for tension and muscle support are: Marjoram, PastTense, Copaiba, Lemongrass, Peppermint, and Wintergreen. 

2. Apply a couple drops of Balance to the bottoms of the feet to help you feel calm and grounded throughout the day.  

3. Add a couple drops of Lavender and Wild Orange to a spray bottle, top with water and use to freshen your room, laundry, mattress, or car.

And there you have it!

A whole week of ideas for how to use your essential oils. 

Didn’t I tell you it would be easy? 😉

Your first week is the perfect time to try out your essential oils and get to know some of their uses. But don’t feel like you have to know everything before you can start using them. I’ve been using essential oils for nearly ten years! and I still learn new things about the oils and new ways to use them.

You don’t have to be an expert, you can grab yourself a reference guide to learn more, or just go ahead and start with what you know and learn as you go, so you can start experiencing the amazing benefits these oils provide right away!

As always, the information and tips I give are intended for use with doTERRA essential oils. I have not researched other essential oil brands to ensure the quality and purity of their oils.

If you don’t have any essential oils yet, you can get one of my favorite starter kits here!

xo- regina

Disclaimer: The information presented is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult individual product labels for safety information.

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